International Seo Global Business Map

48 countries Global Business Map breakdown by country and trends An overview of fundamental country facts and specific market insights. Think geographically, not just demographically With 2.4 billion people online today, it’s no wonder that businesses that are using the web for sales and marketing are growing more than twice as fast as those not[…]

Global Expansion with Google Global Adviser

There is a fantastic Google resource that I think is often overlooked. Global Marketing Finder tool helps startups and entrepreneurs to find new global markets and audiences around the world who are likely to be interested in your products, services, or business. How does Global Market Finder works? Simply enter keywords that describe your product[…]

The Market Expansion Mistake Startups Business Often Do.

One of the biggest mistakes a small business owner or startups make is to think that your market is too small and the reason why your profit margins won’t be substantial enough and/or that expansion is not possible, but that’s old thinking mentality. Now a days, entrepreneurs are engaging in the international marketplace thanks to[…]