Table of Language & Country Names Codes
When naming your sub-directory for a specific language and region, use this individual language special name codes to tell the search engines what language and country denomination you are targeting.
Example: A website’s in which its main language is in English and located in the USA. Then the special language-country code is en-us. In USA normally websites are simply, but if you were in Australia trying to target USA, then you will use your website
Note: Do not confuse the special language-country code with the Country-code top-level domain names (ccTLDs) like .com .es .fr etc. That is for domain names like (for Spain) or (for Mexico) (for France). This table is to be used only if you are creating sub-directories within your own domain and not an entirely new domain for x country. Neither confuses this with hreflang tags which use similar denomination ISO 639-1 format for language, and ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 format for countries and regions. For languages with scripts like Chinese or Russia use language script variations using ISO 15924— supported by Google.
Why these language-country codes are important to use on your sub-domain/directory when specifying a language and country? Because not all of the codes are intuitive. For example, the code for the UK is “gb” not “uk.”
Language, Country & Region Denominations for Sub-directories
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